What a comforting read! The taut rope analogy puts my whole life into perspective. If only it were easier to let one of those ends go.

You echo many of my thoughts on the work-play dichotomy, yet I have found it so hard to make my life and my everyday any easier. Itโ€™s a daily uphill climb. Iโ€™m going to try some of what you have prescribed, and hope that Thou Shalt (clever name!) wonโ€™t mind.

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So hard to let go of that I had to constantly battle perfectionism finishing my post about ignoring perfectionism ๐Ÿ˜† I hope you're proud of yourself for keeping climbing - it may not be easy, but there's something beautiful about the human will to keep trying anyway. Please let me know how your experiment goes - the Thou Shalt is probably going to mind a good deal, which is why our yappy friend really needs to be put in its box ๐Ÿ™‚

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Aug 19Liked by Wabi Sabi

Well, you did it again.

This post reminds me of a well known book called "the art of manipulation". This post uses kind-of the same writing style.

I also want to say that although I was conscious of all if this, seeing on paper (or, indeed, screen) makes it way easier. Also the names make it a lot less real which is very helpful.

I actually have the rope problem at a bigger level: meaning that when my life is good I am scolding myself for not suffering with the rest of the humans and when my life sucks I am just terrible.

I think I should be happy with both and thus eliminate both forces at the same time, no more struggle

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Thank you for sharing all this with me Oscar. Yeah it's definitely helpful to see your thoughts reflected back to you sometimes, isn't it? I relate to your rope problem for sure, that flipping between 'life shouldn't be this hard, this sucks' and 'my life shouldn't be this easy, think of how horrible it is for millions of people out there'. Agree 100% that 'my life's just as easy and hard as it needs to be' would mean no more struggle :)

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